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Epilogue to Blood Meridian. Plot Summary . This thread is archived. But I'm not one of them. We start off by meeting "the kid," a fourteen year-old who decides to run away from home and go it alone in the Old West.

And after a long brutal journey, some people can be thrown off by the ending. Posted by Candy Minx at 15:19. share. He uses an implement with two handles and he chucks it into the hole and he enkindles the stone in the hole with his steel hole by hole striking the fire out of the rock which God has put there. GradeSaver, 3 June 2015 Web. We call this evil. The strangest passage in Blood Meridian, the epilogue, is set at dawn, where a nameless man progresses over a plain by means of holes that he makes in the rocky ground. GradeSaver, 3 June 2015 Web.

Epilogue to Blood Meridian. Cite this page
100% Upvoted . Blood Meridian Introduction + Context. 4 comments. Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West - Epilogue Summary & Analysis Cormac McCarthy This Study Guide consists of approximately 55 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West. Throughout Blood Meridian, children go missing, or are quite obviously being abused (I believe Glanton found a nine year old girl, nude and tied to a fence, when he returned the his camp). During this time, vigilante, mercenary gangs patrolled the Mexican/American border in pursuit of Apache Indians whose existence threatened the introduction of Western civilization. Sort by. share. The thing is that he's walking into one of the most brutal and violent cultures in the history of the planet. Blood Meridian Chapter 17 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts.

100% Upvoted . Can someone at least get me started on understanding what the epilogue to Blood Meridian means or is talking about? Watching (again) Paul Thomas Anderson's 2007 film There Will Be Blood last night, it struck me that the film can be read as an expansion of the epilogue to Cormac McCarthy's 1985 novel Blood Meridian.

Meaning In The Visual Arts by Erwin Panofsky.

Just as the prose challenges us with its style, the story challenges us with its themes. Rereading Blood Meridian after about a dozen years and this is something I just thought about the Epilogue: Could the author have meant simply to refer to the spread of the telegraph in the West, a civilizing influence which would make it harder for "Bad Men" like the judge to thrive? 4 comments. I loved the book, but after reading the epilogue about 20 times I still can't begin to understand it. I loved the book, but after reading the epilogue about 20 times I still can't begin to understand it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It challenges you to read it, with a more dense and stylised prose than we see from Cormac McCarthy's later work. ed. Stand back, look at the memento mori. Cedars, S.R. In the epilogue of the book Blood Meridian it may also vaguely tell of another character who can be considered an “ultimate evil” and can even become a mirror figure of the judge. Wrong. Sounds like a great idea, right? Sort by.

New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Many critics describe Blood Meridian as one of the most important novels of the 20th century.It is a revisionist Western in which McCarthy explores the era after the Mexican-American War.
The epilogue at the end of Blood Meridian puts the reader outside the action as does the trout in the stream at the end of The Road. This thread is archived. Blood Meridian's Epilogue - The Five Elements & the I Ching BM's Epilogue: In the dawn there is a man progressing over the plain by means of holes which he is making in the ground. The epilogue basically interprets a character who becomes an evil influence just like the judge which shapes the novel’s basis of plot. "Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West Chapter 21 - Epilogue Summary and Analysis".

save hide report. Arcadian good ol wikipedia E.B. 17 thoughts on “ Blood Meridian, Epilogue- “[B]ones and the gatherers of bones and those who do not gather ” ” dunce two on January 21, 2016 at 4:09 pm said: I think I skipped over these the first time, but they maybe would have given me a sneak peek at the themes that were coming: In the beginning of the book: “Your ideas are terrifying and your hearts are faint. The Judge's purpose is to bring out the worst in human beings. Can someone at least get me started on understanding what the epilogue to Blood Meridian means or is talking about? Blood Meridian Summary. The very diiferent passages both evoke a distance in the reader. Here is that infamously perplexing passage, a strange note that punctuates the devastating infanticidal horror at the novel's core: In the dawn there is… save hide report.