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Other symbols commonly used to represent Confucianism include the Chinese character for "scholar" as well as the yin-yang symbol (shared with Taoism) and portraits of Confucius. Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricane, and floods. The following analyzes it in terms of semantics, graphics, and etymology.. Meanings.
Yin Yang Symbol: Meaning and Symbolism With is white and black halves in full contrast with each other, the Yin Yang symbol represents the good and evil, the light and the darkness in the world. Demographics. Confucian Symbol. Confucius was thought to be the author of the Five Classics which were the basic texts which underpin the system. See more. There are four main symbols that represent the beliefs and views of Confucianism. It is also used to represent Confucianism, and it means total righteousness and harmony within yourself and others. Ideogram. It symbolizes balance in nature between opposing forces. Explain the meaning of the Yin-Yang symbol. In the Ying and Yang symbol, Yin contains a dot of Yang and vice versa. Confucianism, also known as Ruism, is a system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China.Variously described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life, Confucianism developed from what was later called the Hundred Schools of Thought from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE). The Confucius symbol represents the source of life, and is also called the water symbol. The symbol for Confucius represents the man who began the religion, as he is one of, if not the most important person to come from this religion. It is also used to represent Confucianism, and it means total righteousness and harmony within yourself and others. Confucianism has no official symbol or standard icon. Yin-Yang is an ancient Chinese religious symbol, closely associated with the Daoist religion/philosophy.

The most well-known Taoist symbol is the Yin-Yang: a circle divided into two swirling sections, one black and the other white, with a smaller circle of the opposite color nestled within each half. These three symbols include yin and yang, water, and Confucius. These include: "Confucius", the Chinese character for water, the Chinese character for scholar, and Yin Yang. This shows a balance between two opposite forces. The Kalash or Purna Kumbh is a symbol of abundance. If one opposing force is higher than the other, the other opposing force does not fight back, it just gets higher.