Exposure and Health is a multidisciplinary journal focused on global human health consequences of exposure to pollution in natural and anthropogenic influenced environments. Explore a selection of highly cited articles from Annals of Work Exposures and Health, freely available to read now. The table is adapted from the Lamar Soutter library at the University of Massachusetts which provides this listing free of charge on its website. The Journal Impact Quartile of Exposure and Health is Q1 .
Impact Factor - 1.713.
The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Exposure and Health is 5.08, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition.
Only the new title will receive a full 2019 IF when these figures are released in the summer of 2020.
Chief Editor. We all require food, air, and water to survive — which are contaminated to some extent by man-made pollutants. Journal: Impact Factor: International Journal of Epidemiology: 9.197. Occupational hygiene for protection from viruses.
It is a multidisciplinary journal focused on global human health consequences of exposure to water pollution in natural and engineered environments. Highly Cited Articles . Exposure and Health IF is increased by a factor of 0.1 and approximate percentage change is 2.01% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a rising trend. Epidemiologic Reviews: 7.333. Below is a table providing the impact factors for the top 25 public health journals. Two studies, one in a rural western mining town and another in a dense urban population, reveal how these exposures impact health, and what can be done to reduce the risks. Find out more. Impact Factor. 6.1 Risk, Exposure, and Health Video.
Editorial Board. The journal provides a unique platform for scientists in this field to exchange ideas and share information on research for the solution of health effects of exposure to environmental contaminants. 1.960.
The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor (JIF), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly … The given impact factor (IF) is a combined metric calculated using the two partial 2018 IF's awarded to the journal (one for its former title, Annals of Occupational Hygiene and one for its current title, Annals of Work Exposures and Health). Environmental Health Perspectives: 7.029. The Journal Impact of an academic journal is a scientometric factor that reflects the yearly average number of citations that recent articles published in a given journal received. Compared with historical Journal Impact data, the Factor 2019 of Exposure and Health grew by 2.01 %. About our Impact Factor. The journal provides a unique platform for scientists in this field to exchange ideas and share information on research for the solution of health effects of exposure to water pollution. Professor Noah Seixas.