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Late summer is the time when most flowers are finishing their showy season. But I've found annuals are the real key to summer-long color. Size: 1-4 feet tall; up to 2 feet tall.

Mature clumps grow from 1 to 2.5 feet tall, and young buds swell like balloons before bursting into bell-shaped flowers.
This quick-growing, shrublike annual produces exotic summer blossoms in pink, white, or rose-color and will reseed in the right conditions.

H5. They'll benefit from a monthly feeding with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

They can! Late Summer Flowering Plants. Learn more about bee balm. Petunias are a heat-loving annual that go full blast into fall. If these stalky flowers could talk... but wait! After the poppy bloom period ends, generally in late spring or early summer, depending on the cultivar, the plants die back.

Flowering sometimes slows down in late summer but you can coax more show from summer plants by not only removing the faded trumpet-shaped flowers but pinching off the seedpods as well. Annual Flowers. The clusters of sharp blue flowers, a little like those of a periwinkle, open in September and October on wiry reddish stems, but the special feature of this indispensible plant is that the leaves start to turn scarlet as the flowers are at their peak. This, along with plenty of water and sunshine, will keep petunias going until a hard freeze.

These annuals need full sun to partial shade and bloom in early spring/summer and again in late summer… Size: 3 … Borne on upright stems growing 18 inches to 2 feet high, it’s in high color from June to September.

For the purposes of definition, late summer flowering perennials may be described as plants that reliably produce flowers or that have as their main feature of interest (an architectural silhouette, or attractive seed heads for instance) which can positively contribute to the garden after midsummer’s day on a year in year out basis. Summer-blooming annuals grow, flower and die back in one growing season. Fortunately, there are many perennials that bloom in late summer, including coneflower, asters, mums, Russian sage, cimicifuga, sedum, rudbeckia, and phlox. The flowers are available in white, red, pink, lavender and purple and grow in almost any well-drained soil. Late Summer Flowering Perennials. The fireworklike flowers draw the eye through the garden and lure butterflies and hummingbirds. 1 of 10. Provided you're willing to water your work daily, there's no reason to stop planting. Particularly useful as late summer bedding plants, rudbeckias flower from July through to October and add a fiery element to annual displays with their red, orange and yellow colour palette. squeeze the sides of the bloom and the "mouth" of the flower pops open to surprise and delight even the oldest of children.

July can be a scorching-hot month but in many parts of the country the first week or two of this summer month are the gardener's last chance to plant colorful blooms for this year and get a start on color for next year.
Eye-catching in shades of blue, pale pink, and white, they flower from June to August. Although they may survive the winter in very warm regions, most gardeners grow them as annuals.

By late July, most perennial gardens are past their prime and look pretty dull for the rest of the season. Sun-loving pentas, invite butterflies and hummingbirds to summer gardens. Properly deadhead this native perennial and enjoy pyrotechnic blooms all summer. An essential front-of-the-border plant for sun. Rose mallow prefers sun to part sun in average soil.