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Face mapping can also be used to help treat issues like redness, rashes due to food allergies, lines, puffiness and wrinkles. Take a look at the Chinese Face Map below. Because acne is nearly always multifactorial, we don’t usually treat solely based on location,” says Nazarian. American Academy of Dermatology – Could probiotics be the next big thing in acne … The idea is that acne flare ups that repeatedly develop on certain locations on the face, such as the chin or forehead, have specific causes. Understanding what causes spots and breakouts, is the key to finding the most effective solution. What Is Face Mapping? What is face mapping? Heal your skin problems, from acne to dryness, with face mapping. Acne Face Mapping Reading. Face mapping can also be used to help treat issues like redness, rashes due to food allergies, lines, puffiness and wrinkles. “Face mapping is not a standard practice of Western medicine. The concept and principles of acne face mapping are based on the Chinese techniques of face mapping to cure ailments. Face mapping for acne is one of the most popular applications of this theory. What is face mapping ®?. If you find that your pimples are placed in more or less the same spot each month, then it is very likely that your body is trying to tell you something. BUT – after hours of searching I finally discovered a face map from an ancient Chinese text, called the Su Wen, which describes a facial map. Traditional Chinese medicine , for example, maintains that a weakness or toxicity in a certain organ or gland in the body can result in acne showing up in certain areas of the skin. Face mapping is a practice that's been used for ages in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic practices—but does it actually work?

“It stems from ancient Eastern medicine, suggesting that a person’s skin may be a reflection of their inner health. Still, taking clues through face mapping is a great place to start. Acne Face Map is a technique used to determine the root cause of acne. It is true that the eyes are the window to the soul and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the face is the map which decodes the mind, body, and The ultimate guide to Chinese Face mapping.

Is your acne deep and painful, or is it on the surface of your skin? Poor food choices, stress, excessive alcohol consumption, and reduced sleep may cause breakouts on the forehead. There is a theory called “face mapping” that suggests the location of your acne could present clues about what’s causing it. Face mapping acne is a Chinese ancient medicine that tells about the association between acne and health problems. The following areas of the face may indicate an internal problem. According to many reflexologists and Chinese medicine practitioners, spots and pimples on your face map out internal health problems. The idea is that acne flare ups that repeatedly develop on certain locations on the face, such as the chin or forehead, have specific causes. Face Mapping for Acne – Causes of Acne on Certain Areas of Face. May 26, 2019. When this organ is out of balance or sick, your skin lets you know by making a pimple spring up in the corresponding face area . Face Mapping: Heart, Blood Pressure and Your Nose. Face Mapping: the Liver and Between the Brows. Sources. Each part of your face is linked to a specific organ/body system. Face mapping ® is a Dermalogica signature service offered to help you realize your skin goals and find products that will truly work for you. Here’s the Cliff’s notes version of face mapping: It’s the ancient practice of diagnosing the causes of acne, so to speak, based on where the breakouts are happening and using that as a guide (or map) to determine the best treatment. Acne Face Mapping is a map for your acne. Acne face mapping connects that specific area of your face to an organ or body part, which allows you to make the necessary changes to your diet or lifestyle to make it go away.

Glad you asked. Face Mapping: the Respiratory System and Your Cheeks. Face Mapping: An Introduction. Face mapping is an alternative medicine practice that looks at where acne appears on your face and points out possible health issues that may be associated with your acne.