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Like bumpers, stingers help keep things organized and provide a smooth flow to a story. Stinger definition is - one that stings; specifically : a sharp blow or remark. Definition of the noun stinger. The main difference bewteen a stinger and a regular extension cord is that a singer is made of industry standard, high quality cable that is rated for the full amperage requirement of industry lights and tools. Learn more. Typically on a film set, stingers will be black instead of the … sting definition: 1. Whatever you call them they are usually less than 15 seconds in length and are used as punctuating elements of many productions including podcasts and … On a film set, stinger refers to a single extension cord. A movie stinger is a scene that is shown after the closing credits. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of Stinger. How to use stinger in a sentence. They can be a number of sounds from short music segments to a single sound effect. Sometimes they are also called sounders and can often have voice-over and sound effects incorporated with them. Stinger. Stinger missiles are referred to in the 1988 action-war film, Rambo III. What is Stinger? lexical domain: Foods & Drinks - nouns denoting foods and drinks; more generic word: cocktail = a short mixed drink; substances: brandy = distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice action. Major Kawalsky in the Stargate SG-1 pilot episode uses a Stinger missile to destroy an alien aircraft. Almost all the shows feature a stinger following the end credits of the show. Explore Thesaurus Synonyms and related words +-Parts of television and radio programmes. Search stinger [dendrocnide moroides] and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. action replay. act. Multiple installments of the Metal Gear Solid games feature the Stinger missile as a useable weapon. A Stinger is a very short piece of music that begins and ends within a matter of a few seconds. A stinger refers to any size of extension cord. a cocktail made of made of creme de menthe and brandy. What does stinger mean as a name of something?

Stingers are similar to bumpers, but have some slight differences. Stinger is the film industry nick-name given to the common extension cord. Extension cords are often inferior in build and function quality when compared to custom built industry stingers. a short extra scene that is shown during or after the credits to a film or TV programme. Synonyms and related words +-Parts of films, stories and plays . The Stinger. Stinger meaning. Stingers are shorter than bumpers, often lasting no more than five seconds. Look at an episode of "Friends".

break. Stingers can be used for many purposes (splash screens, logos, highlights, underlining a point), but the most common use of Stingers is in the transition between scenes. A post-credits scene or mid-credits scene is a short clip that appears after all or some of the closing credits have rolled and sometimes after a production logo of a film, TV series, or video game has run.

A hollow tube, narrower at the bottom, that is forced into a gushing stream of oil from the wellhead to carry out well-control operations. ər] (petroleum engineering) A support which is attached to the stern of a pipe-laying barge and which controls the bending of the pipe as it leaves the barge to enter the water.