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Amaryllis belladonna was introduced into cultivation at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Amaryllis belladonna ist bei uns im Handel nur selten erhältlich. Potted Indoor Amaryllis. This is the ideal time to shift this variety of belladonna lilies. You can leave them in cramped quarters as long as the plants remain vigorous and blooming. The plant dislikes change and may react by refusing to bloom for several years. But very young offsets may not yet be ready to divide. The best time to divide an amaryllis is in the fall, during its dormancy, especially just as it begins to wake up and you see new leaves appear.

Lift the clumps of bulbs carefully so as not to damage the bulbs in the process. Amaryllis belladonna, (Jersey lily, belladonna-lily, naked-lady-lily, March lily) is a plant species native to Cape Province in South Africa but widely cultivated as an ornamental. The Belladonna Lily takes a rest after the flowering period is over. Manchmal treibt sie jahrelang nur Blätter, aber keine Blüten. Grow it in large clumps, where its flowers can be fully appreciated. You'll need to force indoor amaryllis to go dormant in fall by following a set of procedures. Don’t bother with fertilizer; it isn’t necessary. Wait until they have at least 2 or 3 leaves, a sign that they are mature enough to live on their own. Herkunft: Südafrika. Blütezeit: August bis September. Care of Amaryllis belladonna is as easy as it gets. Andere Namen: Madonnalilie, Belladonna-Lilie.

Return one portion to the original place and then move the rest to their new homes in the garden.Step 3, Replant. Outdoor amaryllis go dormant naturally in fall. The leaves on the plant should have turned brown and have died off.

Now is the time to divide the amaryllis while it is dormant. The Belladonna Lily sends up a single flower for each stalk in a bulb, which bursts into a glorious full bloom in the months of July, August and early September. Hardiness zones 6–8. Make division less stressful on you and the plant by soaking … As you have observed, amaryllis like to be pot bound. During this period, the air is delightfully fragrant with a fruity, heady smell. Your bulbs will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle. Genus Amaryllis is a bulbous perennial with showy, funnel-shaped flowers on naked stems in autumn Details A. belladonna is a bulbous perennial with erect stems, each bearing an umbel of funnel-shaped, fragrant pink flowers to 10cm in length, which open in autumn … By late summer or early fall the foliage may yellow and die back. The best time to divide an amaryllis is in the fall, during its dormancy, especially just as it begins to wake up and you see new leaves appear.